It will not go down as a literary classic, or any kind of movie-making “Magnificat,” but the now streaming “Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story” is worth a watch and worth a two thumbs up for just being a feel- good pleasant story—when we needed it the most!
This holiday season, with all the political and world news tension surrounding us, not to mention the pressures of gift buying and holiday planning, who couldn’t use a nice “feel-good, pleasant story”?
Furthermore, and with red and gold emphasis, if you are a fan of football and particularly the Super Bowl dominant Kansas City Chiefs, then forget about like, you will love this movie!
Plenty of Arrowhead Stadium footage, and cameos from a few players, not to mention a quick don’t-blink-or-you’ll miss it appearance from head coach Andy Reid.
The story is your basic rom-com meet cute scenario where Alana (Hunter King) runs a Kansas City Chiefs store, a longtime family heirloom, and lo and behold, who comes in to the store but Derrick (Tyler Hynes), who just happens to be the director of fan engagement for the Chiefs team.
The team is running a “fan of the year” contest, and the store is one of the finalists.
From there, a lucky Chiefs hat, a seemingly-always-there store Santa Claus, and the delights of Kansas City barbecue all take their turns in starring roles, which then culminates (of course) center stage right in the middle of beautiful Arrowhead Stadium and right before the kickoff to a big game.
Hynes and King have a good natural chemistry and do their parts well, while Ed Begley, Jr. adds some depth, sentimentality and wisdom as the grandpa who met his wife at a Chiefs game and thus started the whole family tradition.
Diedrich Bader and Abraham Benrubi (who somehow always steals a scene he is in) have quality supporting roles, as does Travis and Jason Kelce’s mom Donna!
All in all, a fun watch, and highly recommended for any needed stress-reduction during this holiday season. Two thumbs up!
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